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The Spring of Civilization: A Case for World Federal Government

The Spring of Civilization: A Case for World Federal Government

SKU: 0003

This 144-page book published in 1973 by lifetime world federalist, Ian J. Hackett, outlines a compelling case for a world federal government. Providing a historical overview of empires and nation-states, Hackett bases his arguments for global unity on the failures of the modern system of global governance. The book covers a wide range of global issues that the current system of global governance fails to address and outlines a federal system of global governance that would provide democratic pathways for humanity to address these global issues. Read a detailed overview of the book's chapters here

About the author 
Ian Hackett, former Association of World Federalists UK Chair (1991-2) and Treasurer (1983-91 and 2004-8); One World Trust Director (1994-9); Head of International School of London (2000-1); author, The Spring of Civilisation (1973); Transcending Terror (2004); Succeeding Revolutions (2006).

Publish date: 1973
Pages: 144

Langauge: English 
ISBN-10: 0955245419

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